About Our Foundation
Sri Chathurveda Vidhya Ganapathy Veda Shastra Maha Vidyasthan (SCVG-VSMV) was established in 2012 with the Divine Grace of Sri Jagadguru Kanchi Acharyas and the blessings of the parents of the founder Sri R. Kamakoti.
This Maha Vidyasthan is run by "SCVG Trust®", a public charitable trust. The Maha Vidyasthan is located at Krishna Garden Layout, Athur Village near Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu.

Sri Ramamurthy Iyer and Smt. Mangalam

Sri Sri Kanchi Acharyas
The Maha Vidyasthan's Primary Objectives are
- Imparting Vedas to eligible children and groom them as Pundits of tomorrow - Veda Rakshanam
- Protecting Gaumathas - Gau Samrakshanam
- Temple administration and prayogam
“To become a Vedic University of repute in 5 years offering in-depth Vedic knowledge and related learning by consolidating all domain expertise and facilitating pursuance of all Vedic streams from our current position of being a premier centre of excellence.”
Our Secondary (Social) Objective
To be a catalyst for social transformation.
Schemes for different sections of our community/ society:
- Veda Camps for Schoolchildren – Boys during their summer camp
- “Kalachara Kalanjiam: - An in-depth workshop for Girl children below 13 years
- Anushtanam and Pooja Vidhanam course for Gruhasthas
- Vedic classes in Gated communities and Vedic chanting in temples at residential localities
- Kruthika Mandala Parayanams at well-wishers’ homes
- Strategic tie-ups with like-minded institutions for the cause of spreading Vedas - For now, seven such institutions have been supported

Our Secondary ( Social ) Objective
To be a catalyst for social transformation.
Schemes for different sections of our community/ society:
- Veda Camps for Schoolchildren – Boys during their summer camp
- “Kalachara Kalanjiam: - An in-depth workshop for Girl children below 13 years
- Anushtanam and Pooja Vidhanam course for Gruhasthas
- Vedic classes in Gated communities and Vedic chanting in temples at residential localities
- Kruthika Mandala Parayanams at well-wishers’ homes
- Strategic tie-ups with like-minded institutions for the cause of spreading Vedas - For now, seven such institutions have been supported
Our Pillars of Success
Our Learned Teachers
Our Meritorious and charming Vidhyarthis
Caring and selfless operations team with highest commitment.
Carefully nurtured Culture of inclusivity and harmony
Supportive Parents
The Ever encouraging SUPPORTERS - YOU
Veda Rakshanam
- Vedas are taught in a typical Gurukul System. The Maha Vidyasthan imparts studies in Rig Veda, Shukla Yajur Veda (Kanva and Madhyandina Shakhas), Krishna Yajur Veda and Sama Veda.
- 208+ Vidhyarthis are enrolled currently.
- Vidhyarthis hails from Eleven States, viz. Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Orissa, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam & 3 Union Territories viz. Goa, Puducherry and Delhi.
- Students are admitted from the age of 7, upon completing their Upanayana Samskaram.
- Vidhyarthis once admitted, can complete their Vedic course up till their Ganapatams and learn Prayogam.
- The Maha Vidyasthan has got long-term plans to bring in all streams of Vedas under its umbrella. The year-on-year plans are listed under the MISSION 2025 Tab.

Goh Samrakshanam
- The Maha Vidyasthan houses a well-maintained Gaushala with all basic amenities built into it. 80 Gaumathas (cows and their calves) are under the care of the Maha Vidyasthan. All are of Desi varieties bought and brought from various States in India and are being nurtured in the Gaushala. Of these, 27 are milk yielding, 9 are pregnant, 28 are calves, 3 are Bulls, and 22 are elder ones and non-milking types.
- The Desi Cow (Native) varieties we breed include, Tharparkar, Kankrej, Gir, Rathi, Ongole, Sindhi, Sahiwal and Punganur.
- A Veterinary Doctor is engaged in giving preventive and periodic medical care.
- Vaccines are administered periodically to all the Cows and calves.
- Nithya Gau Pooja is performed at Brahma Muhurtha Time before opening our Temple inside the Campus.
- Gau Pooja is performed by and on behalf of our devotees every day between 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., offering prayers for their family's well-being.
Our Temple
- The Maha Vidyasthan has a temple with "Sri Sruthi Kamakshi Ambal" as the prime deity with sannadhis for Sri Chandramoulieeswara Swami, Sri Chathurveda Vidhya Ganapathi Swami, Sri Bala Subramania Swami, Sri Veda Vyasar, Sri Yajnyavalkiyar, Sri Kanchi Maha Swamigal, and sannadhis for Parivara Dhevathas.
- Nithya abhisheka aradhanas are performed between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. by our Vidhyarthis under the guidance of our Adhyapaks.
- Various Poojas, Homams and festivals are conducted/ celebrated with public participation and support.
- Shukaravasara Gau pooja is performed every week.

- Visesha Poojas during Chathurthi, Shashti, Pradhosham, Pournami, Krithigai and Anusham are performed in the temple on respective Pakshams and Thithis/ Nakshathrams.
- Visesha homams like Ganapathi Homam on Chathurthi dhinam and Aavahanthi Homam on Anusham day are also being performed every month.
- Sri Chandi Homam is performed on Temple Prathishta Dhinam every year.
- Vedavysa Jayanthi, Yajnyavalkiyar Jayanthi and Shankara Jayanthi are celebrated every year.
- Sri Maha Periyava's Jayanthi and Aradhana mahothsavams are performed every year on a grand scale with Chathurveda Parayanams, Special homams, Abhisheka-Alankara-Archanai, Veedhi Ula, etc.
- Krishnashtami, Vinayagar Chathurthi, Mahashivaratri, Navaratri, Deepothsavam, Vara Mahalakshmi Pooja (Deepavali), Gau Pooja (Mattu Pongal) and Sri Rama Navami are celebrated by the inmates of Maha Vidyasthan.
- Ugadi and Tamil New Year is celebrated every year as well.
- Athi Visesha Karyakramamsis also undertaken and performed on days of spiritual significance.
- Performing Subha karyakrams (Home events) at our Vedopasana Kalyana Mandapam viz., Ayushya Homam (on Birthdays), Upanayanams, Upakarma, Vidhyarambham, Marriages, Shashtiabda Poorthi, Beemaratha Shanthi, Shatabhishekam, Poornabhishekam etc.
- Veda Parayanam at Homes/ Temples on days of special significance
- Kritika Mandala Parayanams and Vaideeka Karyakrams at your homes on request

Students Profile
- Vidhyarthis are our valuable Assets
- Our Vidhyarthis maintain CONSISTENT OUTSTANDING academic track records. All of them score top ranks throughout.
- Apart from VRNT - Veda Rakshana Nidhi Trust - the Authorized Examining and Certifying body of Kanchi Sankara Mutt, Vidhyarthis give Exams conducted by all leading Mutts and come out with flying colours.
- 19 Vidhyarthis have successfully completed Ganantham and 31 of them completed Kramantham from our Vedashram.
- The Vedashram follows an integrated curriculum whereby our Vidyarthees are coached to take up academic exams - 10th & 12th exams - in parrellel.
- Being a residential course, Vidhyarthis are imparted education and offered shelter, food, clothing, study materials FREE of charge during the entire tenure of their education by SCVG Trust.
- Not a Rupee is charged to the Parents during their entire tenure of Vedic Education.

Students Profile
- Vidhyarthis are our valuable Assets.
- Our Vidhyarthis maintain CONSISTENT and OUTSTANDING academic track records. All of them score top ranks in various exams.
- Apart from Veda Rakshana Nidhi Trust (VRNT), the authorized Examining and Certifying body of Kanchi Shankara Mutt, Vidhyarthis give exams conducted by all leading Mutts and comes out with flying colours. Some of the examinations of institutions, our students participate in are
- Sringeri Mutt
- Maharsi Sandipani Rashtriya Veda Vidhya Pratishtan (MSRVVP), Ujjain
- Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore
- Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai
- Veda Dharma Sastra Paripalana Sabha, Kumbhakonam
- Kanva Peetham, Karnataka
- Veda Sastra Parikshat , Rajahmundry
- Vijayawada Examination
- Telangana government Examination
- Pune Examination
- Saripalli Examination
- 37 Vidhyarthis have completed Ganantham, and 42 of them completed Kramantham from our Maha Vidyasthan since inception.
- The Maha Vidyasthan follows an integrated curriculum whereby our Vidhyarthis are coached to take up academic exams i.e., 10th & 12th standard exams equivalent in parallel.
- Being a residential course, Vidhyarthis are imparted education and offered shelter, food, clothing, study materials etc. FREE of charge. Also, Parents are not charged during their ward’s entire tenure of Vedic Education as all the expenses are borne by the SCVG-VSMV Trust.
Teachers Profile
- Maha Vidyasthan 's Teachers - Both Vedic Adhyapaks and Academic teachers are HIGHLY QUALIFIED in their respective fields.
- The Maha Vidyasthan empowers all its Adhyapaks/ teachers to lead the Institution from the front.
- The Maha Vidyasthan offers holistic education that includes Vedic and equivalent Academic education to its Vidhyarthis.
- Through their dedicated efforts, 79 students have passed out from the institution so far, and all of them are well settled in their chosen field of preference - as Purohits, Temple priests, Vedic and Sanskrit teachers and a few even got employment opportunities in Government recognized educational institutions.
There are 10 Vedic Teachers, 2 Sanskrit Teachers and 2 Subject Teachers on full-time rolls of the Maha Vidyasthan.

Vedic Teacher

Vedic Teacher

Vedic Teacher

Vedic Teacher

Vedic Teacher

Vedic Teacher

Vedic Teacher

Sanskrit Teacher

Sanskrit Teacher

Yoga Teacher

English Teacher

Maths Teacher
- Our Principal and Chief Adhyapak (Vedic Teacher) Shri Kumara Guru Ganapati is a highly acclaimed Vedic Scholar. He is on the rolls of the Maha Vidyasthan. Sinceits inception. He leads the Shukla Yajur Vedam (Kanva Shakha) wing.
- Sri S Harihara Ganapati, Sri Ravuri Leela Sukha Manoj Ganapati, Sri Srinivasa Ganapati and Sri. S.J Manoj Ganapati are upa-adhyapaks imparting Vedic education in Shukla Yajur Vedam (Kanva Shakha). All 4 completed their Ganantham from SCVG Veda Shashtra Maha Vidyasthan itself.
- Sri Khagaraj Ganapati leads our Shukla Yajur Vedam (Madhyandina Shakha) wing and is our Adhyapak.
- Sri Pattabhirama Ganapati leads our Rig Vedam wing and also holds the position of Vice-Principal
- Sri Raghunatha Ganapati leads our Krishna Yajur Vedam wing and is our Adhyapak.
- Sri Kalyana Rama Sroudhigal leads our Sama Vedam and is our Adhyapak
- Sri Sankararama Sasthri & Sri. Srirangam Madhavachariar are our full-time Sanskrit teachers.
Academic Teachers
- Sri. Ninaivarasan is our English Teacher
- Sri Pasupathy Raj is our Maths Teacher
- Sri Rishi, Founder, Sathyananda Yoga Centre, Chennai imparts Yoga to our students