SCVG Vedashram - A Brief Profile
- Year of commencement: 2012
- Establishment Type: Registered Charitable Trust
- Purpose : Preserving and Nurturing the rich heritage and culture of our Nation.
- Location: Athur Village, located at 7th Km from Chengalpet on Kanchipuram State Highway.
- Founder : Kamakoti R - Managing Trustee

Staff and Students strength
- Staff strength: Vedic Teachers - 7, Non Vedic / Academic Teachers - 5, Cooks – 6, Administration - 3, Accounts - 1, Gohshala – 4, General upkeep 3
- No. of Vidyarthis: Shukla Yajur Veda (Kanva Shakai) - 85, Krishna Yajur Veda – 22, Rig Veda - 28, Sama Veda - 4, Prayogam - 6
- Total No of Vidharthis: 145
- Age Group: Between 7 and 17

Land and Buildings
- Total land area: 15 grounds (28,000 Sq.Ft.,)
- Built up area: 42,000 Sq.ft
- Facilities : Listed in detail under infra page.
Management Team
Management Committee Member
- Sri R. Kamakoti – Founder and Managing Trustee
- VP - HR in Virtusa Polaris - an IT Organization, Chennai.
- S/o Sri S Ramamurthi Iyer, Native of Vishnupuram village near Kumbakonam.
- No.26/8, Ganapathi Villa, Ramachandra Iyer St., T.Nagar, Chennai-600017.
- +91 98844 02624
- Smt. Revathi Kamakoti - Trustee
- W/o Sri Kamakoti
- No.26/8, Ganapathi Villa, Ramachandra Iyer St., T.Nagar, Chennai-600017.
- Sri Ramnath Kamakoti - Trustee
- S/o Sri Kamakoti,
- No.26/8, Ganapathi Villa, Ramachandra Iyer St., T.Nagar, Chennai-600017.
- Sri Shekhar Srinivasan - Mgmt. Committee Member - Resp: Operations
- Sri Ramani S - Management Committee member. Resp: Gaushala
- Sri Rajesh Veezhinathan - Mgmt. Committee Member - Resp: NRI Donor interface.
- Sri J Kumaraguru Ganapatigal - Principal and Chief Adhyapak
- Sri Chathurveda Vidhya Ganapathi Vedashram, Athur, Chengalpattu.
- Sri V Krishnamoorty - Advisor to Board. Resp: Donor interface and overall guidance
- Sri Shivasubramanian - Advisor - Resp: Governance & Compliance, Finance, Accounts & Audit
- Sri Vaithianathan B Advisor. Resp: Estate and Assets
Our Infrastructure

- Serene peaceful and green atmosphere
- Clean, Safe and Secured campus with 24/7, CCTV Coverage
- Two 3 storeyed building and One 2 Storeyed buildings dedicated for Children's stay, Study and Cooking, Dining and other utilities like Bath and Rest rooms, Store rooms.
- Residences for all key staff members and Teachers have also been offered to enable 24/7 attention.
- Huge entrance with a Lawn
- Library
- Large Prayer hall
- An Event Hall with associated amenities built and dedicated for Devotees' usage
- A Digital Lab with Computers for kids' learning purposes.
- Indoor games with play equipment's for small kids
- A Yoga Hall.
- Half an acre of open ground for Students to play Outdoor games.
- Office space and adequate no. of rooms for our Guests' stay.
- All put together, the campus is built on a 30000 sqft of Land area with a constructed area of 42000 Sqft.
- 3 Sheds constructed in an area of 5000 sqft. which houses 60+ Gaumathas and Calves now.
- Inside the Gaushala 5 dwelling units for the Gau rakshakas' stay have also been built.
- The Campus is backed up with Power back up to cater any power shut down scenarios.
- Water sources include, 1 open well and 3 Deep bore wells.
- The Campus facilities are getting upgraded constantly for a creating better living conditions for the inmates.
- Infrastructural facilities are upgraded and new additions are being made for meeting seamless study and stay requirements.

- All our offerings are bound by the legal framework of a Registered Charitable Trust.
- Functioning under a well defined Org. structure with a Team consisting: Board of Trustees, Advisory Board and Core Management Committee members.
- Clearly drawn up Account abilities, Roles and Responsibilities for each and every member of the Management Team.
- All Govt. related compliance honored 100%.
- 80G obtained from Income Tax. Dept. and passing on the benefits thru’ formal means to all donors.
- Absolute transparency maintained in our Accounting processes.
- Aiming to become the 1st ISO certified Veda Patashala in 2020-2021
- Safety Norms as prescribed by the Education Dept is being maintenance
- Fire extinguishers available at all strategic points. Fire drills conducted periodically
- Purified water for drinking purposes
- Every floor built with 2 exit points in both the buildings
- Large open assembly area
- Planned drainage structure
- Campus clean up undertaken periodically for overall environmental upkeep

- SCVG Vedashram is one of the largest Vedic Institutions in Tamil Nadu with 145 Vidhyarthis. This strength is growing year on year.
- The Ashram's Purpose and Focus are the uniting factors thought with many inherent diversities Viz.
- Students nativities and cultural backgrounds vary
- Students join with varied educational backgrounds and at different age groups.
- Students are at varied levels of their studies - Viz. Samhita, Padham, Kramam, Jata and Ganam
- Holistic grooming of children by practicing integrated curriculum.
- Holy and Sacred surroundings - A Temple inside the campus with Nithya Aradhana being performed by our Vidhyarthis
- The Vedashram has emerged as a much sought after Vedic institution for parents to join their wards considering its meritorious credentials on multiple criteria
Enabling Culture:
- Support staff like our Wardens, Kitchen and Facilities staff are always Caring and Empathetic.
Parents are Partners to our success:
- Continuous feedback to Parents through Bi-annual Progress report and Yearly parents meet in our campus.
- Constant upgradation of the campus facilitating seamless learning
Our Support base:
- Predominant individual support base.
- Positive feedback.
- Visibility and Reach on our service offerings - Encouraging